CAD programy 4M
Tabulka ploch místností
Jedná se o užitečný nástroj při zpracování změn nebo variant ve stavebních půdorysech. Makro vygeneruje tabulku ploch a jejich popisů z obvodových křivek místností. Tabulka je seřazena dle čísel místností. Lze tak připravit tabulky s čísly a ručně vložit názvy místností. Při změnách či ve variantách půdorysů pak jen postačí smazat původní čísla a plochy a tabulku vygenerovat znova.Předpokládány jsou hladiny:
a_plochy pro obvodové křivky
a_popis pro čísla místností (dtext)
Zda je text uvnitř uzavřené křivky je analyzováno dle bodu vložení textu.
Testovací půdorys ke stažení
Attribute VB_Name = "plochy" Public Function pointInPolygon(polySides As Integer, x As Double, y As Double, polyX() As Double, polyY() As Double) Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim oddNodes As Integer oddNodes = 0 j = polySides - 1 For i = 0 To (polySides - 1) If (polyY(i) < y And polyY(j) >= y Or polyY(j) < y And polyY(i) >= y) Then If (polyX(i) + (y - polyY(i)) / (polyY(j) - polyY(i)) * (polyX(j) - polyX(i)) < x) Then If oddNodes = 0 Then oddNodes = 1 ElseIf oddNodes = 1 Then oddNodes = 0 End If End If End If j = i Next pointInPolygon = oddNodes End Function Sub BubbleSort(arr, idorder) Dim strTemp As String Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim lngMin As Integer Dim lngMax As Integer Dim idMin As Integer Dim idMax As Integer Dim idTemp As Integer lngMin = LBound(arr) lngMax = UBound(arr) idMin = lngMin idMax = lngMax For i = lngMin To lngMax - 1 For j = i + 1 To lngMax If arr(i) > arr(j) Then strTemp = arr(i) arr(i) = arr(j) arr(j) = strTemp idTemp = idorder(i) idorder(i) = idorder(j) idorder(j) = idTemp End If Next j Next i End Sub Sub plochy() Dim icadDoc As IntelliCAD.Document Dim Poly As IntelliCAD.LWPolyline Dim text As IntelliCAD.text Dim mtextObj As IntelliCAD.text Dim Pt As IntelliCAD.Point Dim Pt1 As IntelliCAD.Point Dim Pt2 As IntelliCAD.Point Dim Pttable As IntelliCAD.Point Dim LL As IntelliCAD.Point Dim UR As IntelliCAD.Point Dim Pttext As IntelliCAD.Point Dim nvert As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim uvnitr As Integer Dim testx As Double Dim testy As Double Dim plocha As Double Dim ents As Object Dim ent As Object Dim ct As Integer Dim ct2 As Integer Dim ct3 As Integer Dim id As Integer Dim id2 As Integer Dim counter As Long Dim test As Integer Dim obvody() As Integer Dim plochy() As Double Dim popisy() As Integer Dim texty() As String Dim idordered() As Integer Dim txtStyle As String Set ents = IntelliCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.ModelSpace Set icadDoc = IntelliCAD.Application.ActiveDocument ct = ents.Count ct2 = 0 ct3 = 0 'For counter = 1 To ct For counter = 0 To (ct - 1) Set ent = ents.Item(counter) 'If ent.Layer = "a_plochy" And ent.EntityType = 22 Then If ent.Layer = "a_plochy" Then ReDim Preserve obvody(ct2) ReDim Preserve plochy(ct2) plochy(ct2) = Round(ent.Area / 10000) / 100 obvody(ct2) = counter ct2 = ct2 + 1 End If 'If ent.Layer = "a_popis" And ent.EntityType = 33 Then If ent.Layer = "a_popis" Then ReDim Preserve popisy(ct3) ReDim Preserve texty(ct3) texty(ct3) = ent.TextString popisy(ct3) = counter ct3 = ct3 + 1 End If Next BubbleSort texty, popisy Set Pttable = icadDoc.Utility.GetPoint(, "Zadejte umisteni tabulky: ") test = 0 counter = 0 txtStyle = icadDoc.ActiveTextStyle.Name For id = 0 To UBound(texty) 'MsgBox "Popis" & id & ": " & texty(id) For id2 = 0 To UBound(obvody) Dim vertx() As Double Dim verty() As Double nvert = ents.Item(obvody(id2)).Coordinates.Count 'MsgBox "Pocet vrcholu: " & nvert For i = 0 To (nvert - 1) ReDim Preserve vertx(i) ReDim Preserve verty(i) vertx(i) = ents.Item(obvody(id2)).Coordinates.Item(i).x verty(i) = ents.Item(obvody(id2)).Coordinates.Item(i).y Next Set Pttext = ents.Item(popisy(id)).InsertionPoint 'ents.Item(popisy(id)).GetBoundingBox LL, UR 'testx = (Pttext.x + UR.x) / 2 'testy = (Pttext.y + UR.y) / 2 testx = Pttext.x testy = Pttext.y uvnitr = pointInPolygon(nvert, testx, testy, vertx, verty) 'MsgBox "Uvnitr: " & uvnitr test = test + uvnitr If uvnitr = 1 Then 'MsgBox "Popis" & id & ": " & texty(id) 'Set mtextObj = icadDoc.ModelSpace.AddText(texty(id), Library.CreatePoint(Pt1.x, Pt1.y - counter * 600, Pt1.z), 300) Set Pt1 = Library.CreatePoint(Pttable.x + 200, Pttable.y - (700 * counter + 530), Pttable.z) Set mtextObj = icadDoc.ModelSpace.AddText(texty(id), Pt1, 300) mtextObj.StyleName = txtStyle mtextObj.Layer = icadDoc.ActiveLayer.Name Set Pt1 = Library.CreatePoint(Pttable.x + 9200, Pttable.y - (700 * counter + 530), Pttable.z) Set mtextObj = icadDoc.ModelSpace.AddText(Format(plochy(id2), "0.00"), Pt1, 300) mtextObj.StyleName = txtStyle mtextObj.Layer = icadDoc.ActiveLayer.Name 'mtextObj.HorizontalAlignment = 2 mtextObj.TextAlignmentPoint = Pt1 counter = counter + 1 End If Next 'Application.StatusBar = "Percent completed: " & 100 * (id / UBound(texty)) & " %" Next 'MsgBox "Nalezeno uvnitr: " & test icadDoc.Regen End Sub
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